September is finally cooling off into a chilly 60s-70s, the sun is setting a tad earlier and love is seriously in the air. Who knew September would be the busiest month for weddings? Not I, I say.
A few weekends ago we had the pleasure in attending one of our dear friends weddings. It was an adventure. The kind that you long for and when you actually have it you're too busy living it to notice. Pure perfection. We flew in via plane in the morning and continued on our way driving with friends up North. When I say north, I mean north... and the in the middle of no where north.
I'm a true fan of no wheres. It's a place where people forget about, that brings you back to reality. At least somewhat of a reality. Maybe it's the opposite? A magical place where you can escape away from reality. But you reconnect with what is important in life. Who knows. All I know is that I loved it. Full of grown trees, crisp leaves, light rains and golden hour sunsets. Seriously... what could be better?
Oh wait, friends. I never forget how amazing my friends are but sometimes I do forget how we all are so grown up now. It's an incredibly weird feeling. Yet we all manage to bring out the child in us when we are together even when we have been apart for so long. Or maybe that's just categorized with immaturity. Either way, we have fun and that's all that matters. We ate a lot of food, food that's bad for you. But I can say that we laughed so much that I'm not sure I even gained a pound (even though my body felt it). I think laughing is the greatest thing in the world. It was given to us as a gift & a forever cure for many things. #1 medicine you can't find over the counter. I recently saw this commercial on the television and thought it was the most brilliant one I've seen in a long time. It was simple, straight to the point and showcased something we all love and agree on.....laughter. Enjoy... giggle, laugh & maybe even tear up a little.
I wish I could have captured enough of the laughter over the course of the weekend but I was laughing too hard to capture it, sorry friends. I think that's the one thing I regret most of the weekend, I didn't take enough photos. I brought my camera and intended on it but never really got around to it. There was just too much going on and at points there was not enough motivation from me to deal with outside entities (aka RAIN!). But that's what our memories are for I guess. I have many memories to share and hold dear. Some repetitive and some brand new. But forever loved.
So here's to one of the many joys of life... laughter. May you surround yourselves with people that make you love & laugh everyday.
Photos to come later!
Peace, Love & The Joy of Life.